Aug 3

a sacred homecoming

when the time came for her to rise

the trees and stars aligned in silent agreement

as a space was lovingly prepared, to receive her

the one they have been waiting for

the softest light caressed the mountain ridge

as if she was shy to take her place

but then, as the first birds broke into song

she rose – her brightest face now visible in the morning sky

in this holiest of moments

be ready to receive your original self

open your arms in soft surrender

and feel the warmth of the homecoming to your essence

you have walked a sacred path

to give birth to your original face

to the beauty you carry within

remembering the unique container you are

now, be here, in this sacred moment of rebirth

in this place of holiness,

now you can rise

you are whole

In this time of challenge and change, there is another call. It is the call of wisdom, which tells us that there is more to this time, than what we witness in the world. It tells us that there are deeper truths that humanity needs to discover, as a collective desire for fundamental change echoes through all levels of our existence. Change is necessary if we want to create a future that is different – a future of wholeness. And this change starts with you and me.

If we want to return to a greater state of wholeness, we have to understand that wholeness – or holiness – is our original state. We need to understand, deeply, that wholeness is the blueprint, which is there for us as a template to follow, a riddle to solve. It speaks of our belonging to the natural world, just like the animals and birds, the trees and the flowers, the snakes and the birds. It reminds us that we too carry this blueprint of the perfect and natural design in our bodies. This time asks of us to seek answers to the deeper mysteries of life, which can lead us through the doorway of a new understanding of who we truly are. Therefore, this time requires courage and a willingness to ask difficult questions and to seek the answers in our lived experience, while we unravel the deeper layers of our existence. As we hold this collective breath, we await a sacred revealing of what is hidden underneath the layers of conditioning and illusion.

When you enter the mystery of your being, you enter a sacred pathway, which many have walked before you, but not so many finished. The story you lived contains the seeds of what wants to be birthed through you now.

What do you see when you look at an acorn: Do you see only the seed, or can you already see the imprint of the oak tree? Don’t be fooled by the size of the acorn. Given the right conditions, it will emerge as the giant oak tree. But it first has to stay in the soil, in the dark, for however long it takes, creating the perfect conditions for the moment of its birth.

We carry within ourselves the seeds of the same life force that gives form to the oak tree. This unique energy longs to express itself through each of us, uniquely as us. This is your original essence. If you feel a deep stirring in the recesses of your being, knowing and feeling that there is so much more, then excavate it, explore it and allow it to be birthed through you. That which is contained in the beauty of your true essence, longs to be expressed in this world as your gift to us. Because it knows that it does not only contain life itself, but that you will bring life to the rest of us. Only you hold this unique part of the thread that connects and gifts us all.

Now feel the softening, the opening into the space of your truth and belonging.

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