Feb 5

in the beginning

Long ago in a faraway place, in a time before time, rough hands dug deep into the earth, giving form to a shape that held the promise of life. As she was born from the wet clay, her voluptuous body with its oversized breasts and prominent genitalia proudly displayed her beauty and fertility. She would be revered as a goddess, a protectress of her people. Her overflowing body was a symbol of earth’s abundance. She was the face of a higher power that provided abundance for all, a goddess revered as holy. As she was worshipped, the very first musical sounds from flutes made from animal bones celebrated her arrival. Born from the earth, she carried within her the seeds of a deeper mystery that would unfold over time in the stories told next to many campfires. Amulets made from ivory bone mimicked her shape, and were proudly worn around the neck by those who sought her protection and guidance.

Venus of Laussel

If we listen closely, we can still hear her voice calling from this ancient birthing place. It is a call that reverberates through all the cells of our bodies. We are the carriers of her song in our breasts, our ovaries, in our female bodies that feel the same urge to give birth to something – to bring life where there was none before. Her travels over eons of time made her strong and wise. Her experiences recorded in the songlines of the earth are there for us to find, if we know where to look and how to listen. The golden thread of her wisdom reaches across far lands and vast oceans to provide guidance for the journey, the search we have to enter to find new answers… and life. Like the acorn holding the potential of the oak tree, the seed of the original feminine essence has been lying hidden in the mud for a long, long time.

The time has come for some exploration and excavation. When we enter the search for the original face of the Feminine, it must be with a question:

“I have forgotten my beauty – please show me the way back.”

or: “What is my essence?”

or: “Who stole my light?”

or maybe: “How do I stay true to my own nature?”

The road ahead stretches far into the future, into the bodies of the women who will come after us as the sacred carriers of the seeds of this awakening. Just like us, they will look up to the stars and the moon and remember who they are. Not only remember, but allow themselves to be guided by the knowledge hidden within their hearts, their secret guidance system that contains all the answers. Their stories will amaze and inspire one another, as they unfold through words and symbols – scrolls of wisdom unrolling to reveal their secret codex. And that unique and mysterious coding that each seed of potential carries in her cells will lit the fires and bring warmth to the hearts of humankind again. From all the lands of the earth new life will spring, through the heart of every woman who rises. “(Her)story” of restoration will bring light and warmth to the earth so that life – green and vibrant can start anew.

The story of each woman is different. Her journey is unique to her and only hers to tell. She has to find medicine uniquely formulated to heal her heart and her body. She has to find her way to her own wholeness. She needs to redefine what power means and take hers back from the hidden recesses of her inner being. Her soul, her essence, her greatest light is awaiting her.

The inner journey

As she enters the labyrinth to face her greatest fears, she is handed all the tools and support she needs to endure and travel safely. She needs courage to enter the unknown, and the forces beyond who bear witness to this journey, know that no woman can survive the arduous road without help from the beyond. Therefore, she is given awareness, intuition, wisdom, reason and logic, a spiritual thread of connection and the ever-present call of her feminine essence luring her along. As she walks deeper into the winding twists and turns, magic happens. She is held by an invisible net of support and protection. She walks along the deep waters of lakes and seas, and when the need arises to enter, the water helps her to release what is toxic to her soul and body — entering the womb once more to retrieve what is hers from the deep darkness of her inner belonging. When the time comes to walk further, she harvests her food from the plants and berries along the way and is nurtured and nourished in the most natural way. Her medicine basket is filled with precious treasures she likes to take out and hold lovingly in her palm. They are testimony to the way she has come, and reminders of her journey of gathering up these pieces.

With tender hands, she weaves together body, mind and soul, restoring her deep knowing and learning to trust again. The re-store-ation of her feminine beauty is happening. She restores not only her body but also her life force, her real power, her soul. She weaves these pieces of body and soul together through threads of discovery, integration and action taken in the right direction. When it is time to step out into the sunlight again, she embraces the warmth of new life, feeling the profound changes in her bones, and rests.

She has been purified along the way so that she can return to the “virgin state” of her true feminine essence. And now that she has found her way back, she is rebirthed, like that first woman who was born from earth and sky. She has brought heaven and earth together, her shadow and her light, her brokenness and her beauty… and she is whole. She is finally home, like a bird finding its nest after a long flight; she is able to rest in comfort and complete surrender to the new place she has found within herself.

This is the medicine of the SheArt Way.

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